Re-Screening verifications for Negative media (entities)

Use this API call to re-screen your existing verifications for negative media.


stringThe verification UUID from the webhook
(only for standalone screening)
booleanInclude for standalone screening

Standalone Screening

When the original screening was done as a standalone screening (not as part of a KYC/KYB), you must include the parameter isStandaloneScreening in the request body.

Runnable example

const apiEndpoint = ''; // request body const kycData = { "metadata_version": "4", "metadata_serviceUid": "XL7ULiU6B4QE9Y2iWFZnhtMDKFN2", "metadata_secretKey": "api_sec_NJAtNcRtUrPlf7xYDrMNP9URI-ZfN314", "type": "entity", // REPLACE WITH your unique verification uuid "trace": "2f668122-89a1-4c06-9728-dd419af7b5aa" // IN CASE OF STANDALONE SCREENING, ADD THE FOLLOWING PARAMETER // "isStandaloneScreening": true }; console.log('Running request. Please wait...') // submit the KYC data to the bronID API try { const response = await fetch(apiEndpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(kycData), }); if (!response.ok) { const errorData = await response.json(); console.log('error! click the results to expand them'); console.log(JSON.stringify(errorData, null, 2)); } else { const bronIdResult = await response.json(); const printResult = 'bronId API response: ' + JSON.stringify(bronIdResult, null, 2); console.log(printResult); } } catch (error) { console.log('Fetch error: ', error); } // Click “▶ run” to try this code live and run your first KYC.