KYC verification of regulated trusts (AUS)

Use this API call to perform KYC verification of regulated trusts.


stringARSN or ABN (9 or 11 digits). The Australian Registered Scheme Number (ARSN) is a unique, nine-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to registered managed investment schemes in Australia. The Australian Business Number (ABN) is an 11-digit unique identifier issued by the Australian Business Register (ABR) to businesses and organisations operating in Australia.
stringasic / mis / regulatedUnderCommonwealthStatutoryRegulator / governmentSuperannuationFund

regulatedTrustTypes options

Registered Managed Investment Scheme
Unregistered Managed Investment Scheme
Regulated under a Commonwealth statutory regulator
Government Superannuation Fund

Stakeholder types

individual, privateCompany, publicCompany, governmentBody

Note on submitting stakeholders

For each trust, the same individual can hold multiple stakeholder roles. For example, in a trust, a person can be both a trustee and a beneficiary. We strongly recommend submitting an individual in only one stakeholder role. If there is a specific role that must be included (i.e., is required), such as trustee, submit the individual in that role to avoid running multiple KYCs (identity verifications) for the same person within a single KYB, which would be redundant. This is a cost-effective approach. For instance, if John ok Citizen is both a trustee and beneficiary of MY TRUST, submit John ok Citizen as a trustee, as this role is required to be submitted, rather than as both. This will prevent duplicate charges for verification. Even if the individual is submitted under one role, bronID will map any additional relevant roles in the background and include them in the documentation.


You can add tags to your verification requests to help you organise your verifications by using the metadata_tags parameter. Read more about tags here.

Runnable example

const apiEndpoint = ''; // request body const kycData = { "metadata_version": "4", "metadata_serviceUid": "XL7ULiU6B4QE9Y2iWFZnhtMDKFN2", "metadata_secretKey": "api_sec_NJAtNcRtUrPlf7xYDrMNP9URI-ZfN314", "metadata_userId": "yourUniqueUserId", "metadata_tags": ["product1", "client1"], "type": "regulatedTrust", "fields": { "country": "AUS", "abn": "16123456789", "name": "My Regulated Trust", "regulatedTrustType": "governmentSuperannuationFund", "businessNameTrustee": "Business name of the trustee" }, "stakeholders": [ { "type": "individual", "role": "trustee", "fields": { "firstName": "Dave", "middleName": "ok", "lastName": "Citizen", "gender": "male", "dateOfBirth": "20/12/1982", "unitNumber": "1", "streetNumber": "95", "streetName": "Lennox", "streetType": "Street", "suburb": "CASINO", "postcode": "2470", "state": "NSW", "email": "", "country": "AUS" } } ] }; console.log('Running request. Please wait...') // submit the KYC data to the bronID API try { const response = await fetch(apiEndpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(kycData), }); if (!response.ok) { const errorData = await response.json(); console.log('error! click the results to expand them'); console.log(JSON.stringify(errorData, null, 2)); } else { const bronIdResult = await response.json(); const printResult = 'bronId API response: ' + JSON.stringify(bronIdResult, null, 2); console.log(printResult); } } catch (error) { console.log('Fetch error: ', error); } // Click “▶ run” to try this code live and run your first KYC.